Welcome to APPNA Academy: We are reaching a big milestone in the history of APPNA MERIT with launching of APPNA Academy, an online comprehensive Learning Management System (LMS) with potential to develop hundreds of online short and long courses, certificate programs and skills workshops for large audience nationally in Pakistan.
We invite you to the launching ceremony of the first 2 courses including a Self-paced online 17 module course on Point of Care UltraSound (POCUS) for Primary Care physicians open to all participants. A second more comprehensive course on Stroke will be offered as a Mini-fellowship with a select group of 20 neurologists trained over 9 months with a group of 15 sub-specialized US faculty with interactive learning including assignments and formative assessments. This mini-fellowship in Stroke is being offered in partnership with Army Medical Corps under our MOU in education, as well as Pakistan Society of Neurology and Pakistan Stroke Society as our partners.
The participants will receive AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ for their efforts as well as a certificate of completion for the whole course from APPNA MERIT.
Additional 8 courses have been planned under the project of APPNA MERIT FAMILY PRACTICE SPECIALTY ROTATIONS starting with Cardiology followed by Neurology. More details to follow. Similarly a Course on Critical Care Nursing is ready to be launched next month under APPNA Academy.
We are thankful for the encouragement and full support of all the APPNA EC members as well as appreciation by the membership for all that MERIT was able to achieve and plan to do in the future.
We invite you to participate in these educational efforts by joining ongoing courses as faculty or proposing additional courses as course directors for Pakistani and international audience. This resource will also be available and potentially useful for APPNA membership in North America. you can visit it at https://www.appnaacademy.com. Please reach out to us on [email protected] or one of the co-chairs directly.
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