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Dear Appna Friends,

The million dollar stake holder, physician member, question on “ What is in it for me?” is directly related to APPNA’s institutional growth and it needs to be answered, and the answer lies in these five very important principles:

1- Offering tools, services and products to Pakistani American Physicians to develop best practices, so they can offer the best care.

2- Open and honest communication and access to information.

3- Leaving no one behind, Gender Democracy

25-30% of APPNA’s Physicians are women and they must be included in all Governance strata.

4- Meaningful charities which could make a difference in wellbeing of our communities

5- Which is the basic principal of all good democratic organizations is the legislation, effective legislation from ground up. Legislation allows introduction of the meaningful proposal and it is this political will that binds our commitment to growth. Will continue to-work on these five important principles to help develop APPNA’s Institutional growth and memory so it can create a long lasting influence on its members and the communities.

Thank you for considering me for this position, I am eager to serve the members along with our team and contribute to this great organization. We request you all to get involved, volunteer and continue providing your feedback.

I will end with John F. Kennedy’s quote.

“We are not here to curse the darkness, but to light the candle that can guide us thru that darkness to a safe and sane future”.

Yours truly,

Lubna Naeem M.D
Board Certified in Internal Medicine