I believe we should market our noble cause to be centered on two fundamental pillars. Those pillars are healthcare and education for those in need in order to transform the community. We as APPNA members have a long and respectable track record of 38 years of doing good work for the community either directly or indirectly by our charitable donations and voluntary work. We need to make it our priority to emphasize to our members that whenever it comes to charity, we must donate to APPNA Foundation first and foremost.
Aim and objective of APPNA Foundation are centered around two main pillars, Education and Healthcare for those in need. Education is the transmission of civilization. Fate of world depends on the education and healthcare of youth. Our Nation’s first great leaders were also our first great scholars. Is there any greater crime than to stand between a child and his development? Can’t they be future Einstein, Galileo, Newton, Ibn-e-Sina, Al-Khwarizmi, Aristotle, Socrates, and Confucius? Yes; they can be, only if we understand their pain and suffering. We should acknowledge and accept this challenge to help them.
In 2013 people of United States including US donate more than 335 billion dollars in charity. APPNA members have long track record of thirty eight years. Our active member’s worth is approximately more than twelve billion dollars. Charity starts from home. If we are willing to give 2.5% of 12 billion dollars, it comes to 300 million dollars, just from our own active members, and we can make real difference in people’s lives by accomplishing different worthy projects and in future, if we could attract 1% total donation of United States, it amounts to more than 3.3 billion dollars.
It is not one day job or one time responsibility. It will take years to build communities and lives. We have to commit ourselves for long term help. We all have worked in a way or so for those in need. But this is the time to spread this message among people. When it comes to charity, please think APPNA Foundation first.
I humbly request all of you to please join this worthy cause to make it crown jewel of APPNA. I also request all council members to provide at least one volunteer contact person for APPNA Foundation to make a core group. We are planning to have fundraiser in Houston in September. I would request regional chapters to help us in this noble cause for arranging regional fund raisers and informing community about APPNA Foundation. We all need to work together when it comes to charity, please donate APPNA Foundation first.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]