
Dear APPNA Members

I am delighted to share with you all that one of the important projects of APPNA this year is to expand the network of free clinics with the help of its component chapters and to serve the needy members of the community regardless of race, religion or ethnicity. APPNA has always been at the forefront of providing the needed assistance to the less-privileged members of the community in times of natural disasters like tornadoes, floods, etc. APPNA has a few free clinic which are run and managed by the local chapters i.e, Illinois chapter, Florida chapter and President, Dr Sajid Chaudhry’s vision for this year is to expand the work that had already been started in previous years by motivating and assisting the interested chapters to set up free clinics, either independently or in collaboration of local charitable organizations. These potential clinics will be aiming to provide basic healthcare and screening to prevent chronic illnesses like Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, basic lab testing, vaccinations, etc. While the component chapters are expected to arrange the logistical and financial needs to initiate & sustain these projects, APPNA leadership is also exploring new avenues to partner with potential donors and sponsors to participate in this worthy cause.

We humbly request the membership to come forward by giving back to the community and contact us for any assistance or guidance as the real strength of any organization lies in its membership.

Sajid Mehmood MD FCCP
Chair, APPNA National Healthcare Clinics Committee

Please click on the link below to view:
Health Centers in Underseved Communities – Talk by Dr. Aurangzeb Nagy, MD at APPNA Convention in Florida, Orlando

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