My dear APPNA family
Salam and greetings for a happy, healthy new year to you and your families. It is my unique privilege and honor to be your APPNA President for 2025. I am humbled by your trust in me.
A little bit about myself:
My name is Dr Humeraa Ahmad Qamar and I own my pediatric practice in Ocala Florida. I grew up in lahore. My dad was the GM railways and my childhood was spent on trains and in various Mayo Gardens houses. My mom was a teacher and retired as Professor of Urdu at Kinnaird College Lahore. She inculcated the love of Urdu poetry in me. I have three siblings Farah, Khurram and Faisal. I did my senior Cambridge from Cathedral HS in Lahore, Fsc from Kinnaird College Lahore and medical school from Allama Iqbal Medical College. My husband Asad Qamar was my class mate in Allama Iqbal and now practices interventional cardiology in Ocala .
After moving to USA in 1990 I did my Masters in public Health from Yale university & then my Pediatric residency from Yale New Haven Hospital and Bridgeport Hospital CT including one year as chief resident.
I have three wonderful children Sana, Ehsun and Aadil Qamar who are the pride and joy of my life. Sana is an attorney in NYC, Ehsun is in law school and will be graduating soon, and Aadil be starting law school in 2025. My dear friends and colleagues my theme for APPNA in 2025 is APPNA as a family. 2025 will Insha Allah usher in a new era of growth for APPNA under my leadership. An era marked by honest and transparent leadership and governance.
My goals for 2025 are as follows:
Following the current CABL of APPNA meticulously in every aspect of governance.
Fostering a culture of trust and respect among all members and leaders of APPNA .
Empowering the women members of APPNA by giving them more opportunities for leadership In my team this year there are record number of women Physicians as Committee chairs and meeting chairs .
Emphasizing leadership development, transparency and avoiding all conflict of interest among all stakeholders including BOD all committee chairs and members.
Working on institution building, not personal glory.
Working towards better and positive image development of APPNA through a reputable PR company to bring to light our numerous positive achievements.
Creating partnerships with hospitals in Pakistan as APPNA hospitals where our attendings can work to impart state of the art services and education to patients and physicians. Also where our fellows, residents and medical students can work and learn. My eventual goal would be to create an APPNA hospital and nursing school in Pakistan.
In 2025, in accordance with my theme of APPNA as a family, we have arranged 7 wonderful international trips in addition to our 4 national meetings and one international meeting in Lahore.
In 2025, I will strive to preserve the important role of APPNA as a secular and non political organization in line with its non for profit 501 3 c professional mandate.
My dear members I can achieve above only with your help and support. Please join me in making 2025 APPNA’s year.
Thank you and God bless
Humeraa Qamar, MD
President APPNA 2025