When we do great things here in USA; Pakistan and Pakistani feel proud of us.
Being US citizen when we do great things, shouldn’t USA be proud of us as well?
This is an important paradigm shift. We do great things particularly as Pakistani American physicians, as philanthropists, as social workers in times of need such as Tsunami, COVID pandemic. However, our institutes in US weren’t aware or at least not fully aware of all of it.
For last four months; We have been able to update State department in regards to great work done by Pakistani Americans particularly APPNA and it’s chapters and alumni; other organizations such as APAG, APPAC, ICNA Relief and any other organization which forwarded its work to me in regards to COVID relief! At the same time USA government has helped Pakistan a lot. State department emphasized our role and helped APPNA physicians in any way possible.
APPNA social forum arranged a webinar with Mr Ervin Massinga, ACTING PRINCIPAL and DEPUTY ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR PAKISTAN AFFAIRS
More than 100 participants were there and watching live on FB from all over the world were uncountable.
Following questions were asked by participants
Q:In March, the CARES Act infused hundreds of millions of dollars into USAID. Can you provide us an overview of USAID priorities this year in Pakistan and how these extra appropriations from Congress are being utilized?
Q:We all have questions about visas. We understand how US diplomats worldwide were brought back home. Where does it stand getting the US Embassy and Consulates staffed back to 100%?
Q:The violence in Afghanistan continues to concern us all. Can you provide us perspective on the future of US and coalition troops there? Where do the negotiations with the Taliban stand?
Q:We all are deeply saddened that the civil liberties and basic human rights of Kashmiris continue to be violated. We realize the limits of the State Department in that you execute policy and not make policy, but would still love your perspective on what has happened over the last year and what will happen in the months ahead.
Q:We are about one year after the historic visit of PMIK to Washington. Much was discussed in the White House – in particular – deepening trade ties. We realize that USTR is focused on a deal with the UK and Kenya, but what prospects do you see of any trade initiatives (legislative or otherwise) between the US and Pakistan?
The answers of Mr Massinga were very comprehensive and this report has limited space so please watch recording of the event
Thanks to Dr Mubashar Rana and communication committee for such great help
Let’s work together to make America Great Again for us and for our next generation.
Long live APPNA Long Live America
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