Thank you for your email. We are likewise very appreciative of our relationship with APPNA and I personally thank you, Dr. Sultan, and Dr. Burki for all your assistance over the past several months. We are glad that physicians from Pakistan will meet the requirements for Pathway 2. We will work this week on updating our website to reflect this.
Christine Shiffer
Christine D. Shiffer, MBA
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG)
Tel: +1 215.764.6625
[email protected]
Dear Ms. Shiffer,
These are glad tidings indeed. I am hoping Dr. Faisal Sultan will send you the confirmatory email soon. The final year examination has the OSCE examinations and should meet the Pathway #2 requirements.
APPNA is very proud to have this close collaborative relationship with ECFMG. Our deepest thanks for all your efforts and hope we continue to train young physicians from Pakistan who then come to the US and meet our healthcare needs.
With best regards,
G. Naheed Usmani, MD
President APPNA 2020
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On Fri, Aug 14, 2020 at 1:11 PM Dr. Faisal Sultan <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Ms Schiffer
Thank you. I will review and respond to you.
Faisal Sultan
From: Shiffer, Christine <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 6:04 PM
To: N.k Burki <[email protected]>; Naheed Usmani <[email protected]>; Dr. Faisal Sultan <[email protected]>
Dear Dr. Burki, Dr. Usmani, and Dr. Sultan,
I hope you are all doing well – I am writing to ask for your help once more. For ECFMG Certification, we require an assessment of clinical skills. This has typically been done through the USMLE Step 2 CS exam, but it has been suspended due to COVID-19. In response, we have developed five pathways to allow individuals to demonstrate clinical skills and obtain ECFMG Certification.
One pathway could allow many students and graduates of Pakistan medical schools to obtain ECFMG Certification while Step 2 CS is suspended, but we need confirmation. Pathway #2 requires successful completion of an Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE). To qualify, the OSCE must either be administered by a medical regulatory authority as part of licensure, OR administered by a medical school if the medical regulatory authority requires a formal assessment of clinical skills prior to graduation.
Looking at the MBBS curriculum of the PMDC, it notes two OSCEs as part of the “Final Professional MBBS Examination” – see page 9:
Can you confirm (or have PMDC confirm) that this is accurate, and this curriculum is currently in effect? And that passing the Final Professional MBBS Examination is a requirement for medical school graduation, as mandated by the PMDC?
Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
Christine D. Shiffer, MBA
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG)
Tel: +1 215.764.6625
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