Home > President Elect and Immediate Past President’s Messages


With start of the New Year, a new team has taken over the helms of APPNA. As 2018 President-Elect of APPNA, I would like to take this opportunity to reach out to APPNA members

As a member of the 2018 Executive Committee, I am looking forward to working with APPNA President, Dr. Iqbal Zafar Hamid and the other elected officials to set new goals and advance the mission of APPNA. One of the main priorities Dr. Hamid and I have is to increase APPNA membership and boost its value. I am motivated to empower those who feel marginalized, by creating an environment of diversity through enhancing the role of women, minorities, and members from smaller alumni.

As a team, we will strive to instill a culture of mutual respect and collaboration within APPNA, resolving differences with dialogue and eliminating the culture of unnecessary quibbling and partisanship. My approach has always been a collaborative effort and will continue the same. My promise is to improve the diaspora of Pakistani-Americans with a progressive outlook and leadership for change.

APPNA and physicians of Pakistani descent are an integral part and contribute enormously to the U.S. healthcare system. I urge each and every APPNA member to continue providing the best possible care to their patients and maintain a proactive role in reshaping the U. S. healthcare system to meet the needs of the future. Working together and collaborating with the like-minded organizations, we can help counter the lobbying efforts from various groups motivated by their own vested interests rather than that of the public.

I am looking forward to hear your ideas and suggestions, and will remain accessible to you all. It’s only working together that we can maximize APPNA’s potential. Sincerely,

Naseem Azeez Shekhani
President-Elect 2018

St. Louis, Missouri. USA



Dr. Sajid Chaudhary
Immediate Past President

Message Coming Soon!