Objectives of Networks
1- Coordinated approach to launch APPNA projects related to the different specialties. e.g. APPNA Chest is leading the campaign for Tobacco cessation in Pakistan.
2- Coordinated and organized presence in national and international meetings related to the speciality
3- Strategic partnership and collaboration with national society of the speciality
4- Networking and Business Growth
Following networks are being formed this year:
1- APPNA Radiology: Pakistani American radiologist had their first group teleconference meeting on April 2nd 2015. Until now there are 37 members on Facebook and few more members who are active on the APPNA-RAD email group. Group decided to find one project in Pakistan for which they can all work together. APPNA RAD had their second meeting on June 16th and different projects were discussed. After voting a project to conduct remote-Radiology teaching conferences in Pakistan was selected. Dr Muhammad Rehan Khan from Virginia has been playing leading role. Dr Rehan and other volunteers have been working on the basic structure of the organization and By-laws.
2- APPNA Pediatrics: APPNA-Peds group was started by Dr Khalid Kamal from MI in close collaboration with Adhoc committee for specialty networks. Initial Facebook group has more than 120 members who are practicing physicians in North America. First executive committee has been elected by the group in late April. Dr Khalid Kamal (President APPNA-Peds) has been working very hard for the foundation of pediatrics chapter and By-laws. A website is in the process of development.
3- APPNA Hematology/Oncology: Drs. Medi Hamdani, Aamer Farooq and Farrukh Awan formed a Facebook group and have been working with a group of 104 hematology/oncology physicians for the foundation of APPNA –Hematology/Oncology. Inaugural teleconference meeting is being scheduled by Specialty network committee. Drs. Farouk and Awan has been working on by-laws and playing leading role.
4- APPNA Nephrology: Approximately 12 Nephrology physicians have been in-communication to establish APPNA Nephrology Chapter. Dr Ahmed Mehdi Malik from Wisconsin has been playing leading role and working on Bylaws.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]