Reports from 2017 NHCD

Reports from 2017 NHCD2024-10-29T14:19:49+00:00

Dear All,

All of 32 sites Nationwide have done a great job arranging NHCD yesterday and giving back to our communities. I am greatly indebted to all Nationwide coordinators’ hard work and participation. During my last three years as chair, we have the largest number of sites this year (approximately 32, some did not ask for flu shots or t-shirts, like Gadsden Alabama). We have the largest number of flu shots demand this year which brought our number of flu shots down to 40 per site and couple of sites were offered to purchase locally.

We need to continue this enthusiasm in coming years as well regardless who is the president and chair in future. There are some hiccups (normal for big organizations but we need to work it out in future).

Thanks to APPNA President, Sajid Chaudhary, MD, Dr. Rubina Inayat, MD, Mrs. Jennifer Wozniak-Watson, JD and Mr. Nicholas Suh who supported me for the success of this event.

Ehtsham Haq, MD
Chair, APPNA National Health Care Day Committee 2017​


Dear All,

All of you have done a great job arranging NHCD yesterday and giving back to our communities. I am greatly indebted to all of you for your hard work and participation. During my last three years as chair, we have the largest number of sites this year (approximately 32, some did not ask for flu shots or t-shirts as well, like Gadsden Alabama). We have the largest number of flu shots demand this year which brought our number of flu shots down to 40 per site and couple of sites were offered to purchase locally.

We need to continue this enthusiasm in coming years as well regardless who is the president and chair in future. There are some hiccups (normal for big organizations but we need to work it out in future).

Thanks to Sajid Chaudhary, MD, Rubina Inayat, MD, Jennifer Wozniak-Watson, JD and all of you for your help.

Please see posted reports for examples. Please ensure sending your pictures and reports this week.

You must send reports to the following four emails. I must receive your reports/photos to submit annual report to APPNA fall meeting or for other publications as needed in future.

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Ehtsham Haq, MD
Chair, NHCD 2017

Alabama Chapter Report NHCD 2017

*APPNA Alabama Chapter has been participating in NHCD since its inception.
*Alabama Chapter collaborated with Hoover Crescent Islamic Center (BIS) at free clinic location RCCA.
*Media was informed with press release and Fox news came for reporting.
*93 plus patients were seen, dozens of labs were done, flu shots were given, dozens of eye exams were done, 9 physicians of multiple specialists saw the patients.
823 volunteers along with contracted/paid lab staff and 4 nurses and many other food vendors and rides for children were arranged for health fair and fall festival.
*Drs. Saema Mirza, Mina Khan, Talha Malik, Zakir Khan and Maqbool Patel, Ejaz Khan, Adil Patel and Numair Ehtsham are the key players along with many others.
*All volunteers were given certificates of recognition on the spot and free food coupons were provided to all volunteers.
*100 flu shots were purchased locally with local funds not with APPNA funds and labs were paid with local funds (APPNA flu shots 40 were not delivered on Friday).
*Honorable Frank Brocato, Mayor of Hoover was guest of Honor at the NHCD.

Children’s Medical Group of Ocala, under the leadership of President Dr. Humeraa Qamar, participated in the APPNA National Health Care Day on Monday October 9. Our clinic provided free flu shots to our patients and other family members and also provided free BP and BMI screenings.

Our Health fair was hosted in an event hall from 9am – 3pm. Breakfast and lunch was provided. 300 patients were seen. 30 physicians volunteered. 50 Students and medical/pharmacy students participated. 200 Flu Shots were give, 40 were donated by APPNA and 160 were locally arranged. 100 on site lipid profile performed. 75 EKG’s done. Full Cardio, orthopedics, dental, hearing and vision services provided along with primary care. Glaucoma and full dilated exams performed by an Ophthalmologist. STD and Hepatitis testing and counseling provided.

Asher Niazi, MD
President GA APPNA

Report APPNA National Health Care Day Free Health Care by APPNA Heartland

APPNA Heartland Health fair was organized in collaboration with Mercy and Truth Medical Mission at their Kansas City Kansas, Clinic Location.

Mercy and Truth Medical Mission serves underserved and uninsured population of refugees from many ethnicities and cultural diversities. This brought the free services provided by volunteer physicians of APPNA Heartland at the heart of the inner Kansas City most needy population ….an opportunity created by National APPNA Health Care Day.

APPNA Heartland has been collaborating with Mercy and Truth Medical Missions since last 5 years as they have always generously offered us to use their facility, staff and marketing team to spread the word months ahead of time annually for a successful APPNA National Health Care Day.

Health Fair was set up between 10:00 am – 4:00 pm. Breakfast and lunch was provided. Total of 220 patients were seen. Registration table was set up helping patients sign up with help of interpreters if needed, triaged regarding what medical sub specialty care needed, vitals taken by Northland University Nursing Students, HIPPA Disclosures and Flu shot consent forms singed by those needing Flu Vaccine.

20 physicians volunteered including Primary Care Physicians like Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Pediatrician, Family Practitioner and sub specialist like Orthopedic, Pulmonologist, Gastroenterologist and Nephrologist were participating. Volunteer Physicians were divided and morning and evening shifts/teams.

Dr Hibba Haider (APPNA Heartland President) Pediatrician.
Dr Sobia Shaffie (APPNA Heartland Councillor at Large) Psychiatrist.
Dr Hameed Ahmad (APPNA Heartland Councillor) Internist.
Dr Najm Hassan Siddique (APPNA Heartland Councillor)
Dr Abdul Ahad Haleem (APPNA Heartland Past President) Orthopedic.
Dr Aman Khan (APPNA Heartland Past President) Pulmonologist.
Dr Faisal Jaffri (APPNA Heartland Past President) Gastroenterologist.
Dr Tahira Zufer (APPNA Heartland Past Executive Member) Family Practitioner.
Dr Nilofer Khan (APPNA Heartland Past Executive Member) Psychiatrist.
Dr Tanvir Akhtar (Volunteer Physician) Internist.
Dr Farah Hassan (Volunteer Physician) Psychiatrist.
Dr Kashif Hameed (Volunteer Physician) Psychiatrist.

Our Young Enthusiastic Volunteers.
1. Salsebil Bela
2. Iqra Akhtar
3. Saad Zamir
4. Suleman Shaffie
5. Maheen Bangash
6. Raahem Sheikh
7. Zeeshan Khalid
8. Shahim Shafique
9. Ali Hassan
10. Sadia Siddique

Interpreters in Arabic, Somali, Nepali and Spanish languages were also arranged and volunteering.
Full Orthopedic Assessment was provided to patients in need and 15 patients were given Intra Articular Kenalog Injections.
100 Flu Shots were give, 50 were donated by APPNA and 50 were donated by KDHE (Kansas Department of Health and Environment).
Lipid Profile, Hb A1c tests, Pulse Oximetry, EKGs, Glucose checks, Nebulizers, Asthma medications, Spacers, inhalers, donated by a local medical equipment company called Allied Medical Equipment were donated to needy patients and rest were donated to Mercy and Truth Medical Missions.
10-15 Pediatric patients were seen and mothers counselled regarding nutritional concerns, treatments given for atopic dermatitis, free samples of emollients, anti-itch medications, care instructions and follow up care given.

Resource books for continuing further access to medical care in community were provided free of cost and relevant medical literature was also distributed.
Many patients needing follow up care were established with referrals for continued medical or psychiatric care at health departments and FQHCs (Federally Qualified Health Centers) represented by various volunteering doctors who are employed at such facilities.

More than 50 Nursing Students, medical assistants, pharmacy and High School students participated voluntarily and were assigned duties at registration desks, vitals recording station, blood draws, Flu shot administration.

Truly appreciate how well organized APPNA Heartland Health Fair was executed thanks to the help from staff of Mercy and Truth Medical Missions especially nurse Joan Macintosh, Dr Alex Kieu (Medical Director Mercy and Truth) and Geofrey Kigenyi (CEO Mercy and Truth Medical Missions).

All participating volunteer nursing and high school students were awarded volunteer certificates.
All children received free stuffed toys and ice popsicles. Gently used warm clothes, coats, socks, hats and shoes collected as donations were given away to whosoever needed them.

President APPNA Heartland.
Hibba Haider. M.D.

We had very successful National health care day at APPNA / PPS clinic In Westmont on October 7th 2017. I would like to thanks all the volunteer for their help. We provided health screening for diabetes hypertension sleep apnea cholesterol and heart disease along with providing influenza vaccine we also provided meningitis vaccine to the people going for Umrah.

Following physician participated:
Imtiaz Arain, MD
Tai Elahi, MD
Aftab Khan, MD
Rahat Sheikh, MD
Sitara Sharif, MD
Uzma Syed, MD

We would also like to thanks our partners:
Amita Midwest health
Advocates Good Samaritan Hospital

Organized and Coordinated by Dr. Sabir Ali Khan.

*APPNA N. California Chapter has been participating in NHCD since its inception.
*2017 Location: Islamic Center of Vallejo, Vallejo California.
*We used flyers, posters and social media to advertise.
*23 Patients were seen for Flu Vaccine and consultation. BP and Blood glucose screening were offered.

Following Physicians and non-physicians participated.
-Dr. Altaf Jan (chapter president)
-Dr. Mubasher Rana (past president APPNA)
-Dr. Sabir Khan (NHCD Coordinator)
-Dr. Aifra Ahmed (past president chapter)
-Dr. Shazia Mughal
-Dr. Noorulain Aqeel
-Dr. Huma Sadiq
-Sulaiman Khan (pharmacist)
-Aleesha Sadiq ( School volunteer)
-Anam Mughal ( High School volunteer)
-Khizer Mughal ( High School volunteer)

*Free breakfast and lunch was provided to all volunteers, compliments of Islamic center of Vallejo. Team Northern California had a successful Health fair in Islamic Center of Vallejo, CA. This is our consecutive sixth year of community health fair hosted by APPNA N. CA chapter on NHCD.

NHCD in Canton, Ohio

Our volunteers team used the facilities at Islamic Society of North East Ohio. We advertised the event in our local newspaper, e mailed interfaith organizations and posted the information in local churches, synagogues and mosques. We also shared this event’s information with the Mayor and Senator Sharrod Brown’s office. Local physicians, nurses, masjid volunteers and our youth group participated in the activity. Certificates of participation were awarded to the youth group along with hard earned cookies.

Dr. Asif Younas
Dr. Nouman Rafique
Dr. Waseem Khan
Dr. Khurram Butt
Dr. Raza Khan
Dr. Nabeel Khan
Nezam Alnsair, RN – Dean College of Nursing
Dr. Amir Iqbal
Dr. Maaz Ahmed
Syed Atif
Ibrahim Ali
Shamaila Rafique
Farha Siddique

We are very thankful for the support and guidance provide by Dr. Ehtsham Haq and APPNA.

Raza Khan, MD

Tulsa Health Fair

On behalf of APPNA OK I would like to personally thank Dr. Jamal Siddiqui, Dr. Ambreen Shakeel, Dr. Saima Saleem & Dr. Arshi Qadeer for taking care of the vision screening, blood pressure and patient’s general medical needs, questions and concerns. We did 79 flu shots, 65 eye exams and 52 health screens.

Kamala, Kim, Paige & Brooke, we really appreciate you all for working on your day off to make the event successful.

Special thanks to our young generation Bilal Shakeel, Talal Shakeel, Ibrar Hassany, Safa Muhammad & Lyba Majeed for their participation.

I would like to thank Dr. Bilal Ahmed, Dr. Masood Ahmed, Dr. Fuad Hassany, Dr. Faisal Wasi, Dr. Shakeel Pasha, Dr. Muhammad Ali, Dr. Masood Ahmed, Dr. Hassan Kaleem, Dr. Tariq Masood and Dr. Asim Maqsood. I also appreciate help we received from Sunday School staff especially from Javed Jaliwala and Arshad Majeed. Last but not the least thanks to Nida, Munazzah and Sehar for arranging this event.

Thank you again for your time, participation and hard work to make this event a great success. We look forward to working with all of you in future events.
Iftikhar Hussain, MD
President APPNA – OK Chapter


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I’m honored to have known and collaborated with Dr Zaki Moin, Dr. Taj Khan, Dr. Ghayas Uddin Syed and Mr. Shabbir Hassan from ICNA who worked tirelessly to bring about APPNA National Healthcare Day. It gives me great pleasure to report that for the first time in the history of the organization, the event was conducted simultaneously at 3 different locations and had the largest turnover of patients actively seeking what we had to offer. 40 volunteers from both APPNA and ICNA were present at the Southwest location alone.

My sincere thanks to Dr. Rashid Siddiqui and his family, Dr. Lubna Khawaja, Dr. Shazia Usman, Dr. Nighat Zahid, Dr. Imtiaz Khalid, Dr. Naila and Imran Khateeb, Dr. Aftab Ahmed, Dr. Raheela, Anishia R. Karedath and all the volunteers of ICNA and APPNA STC who invested their time and energy in this venture.


Najma Aijaz, MD
President APPNA STC

The 2017 APPNA sponsored National Health Care Day in Brownsville was a great success. Weekly planning meetings were initiated two months prior to the event with the organizing committee consisting of members of the local Pakistani, American, Hispanic, and British communities. Chairman Jalal Hussain was aided in his efforts by Dr. Kazim Hussain, Dr. Saleem Chughtai, Edward Bustos, Hilda Ledezma, Sadia Haleema, Mohammad Sohaib, Waseem Iqbal, Sharaf Rahman, Fitrat Khan, Douglas Bartley, and Peter Williams. Minutes of the meeting were duly recorded and filed. Among the participating parties at the event were Valley Baptist Hospital, Cameron County, City of Brownsville, UTRGV, Frost Bank, and a number of local doctors, dentists, and health clubs. Among the volunteers were children from Veterans High School, Buena Vida neighborhood community, and the staff of local doctors. City, County, and local hospital dignitaries were in attendance including the Mayor of the City of Brownsville, the County Judge, the State senator, the State representative, and the CEO of Valley Baptist Hospital. At the event the Charter of Compassion was embraced by the City of Brownsville and Cameron County. More than 700 flu shots were administered, as were over 100 ultrasounds and 150 EKGs. Education on the Zika virus was provided by the City and Alzheimer’s Awareness by UTRGV. Medical screenings and blood sugar checks were provided by the staffs of the local doctors. Delicious traditional Pakistani food was served to over 500 grateful members of the local community who were entertained by a traditional Bhangra dance performed by a local Hispanic high school dance group in Pakistani dress.

The whole event was promoted and covered by the local media in the local newspaper and on Facebook and local television stations. It goes without saying that due to this event the image of Pakistan and local Pakistani community has been raised in the eyes of the local community as a consequence of the sterling work of a number of devoted and selfless physicians of Pakistani origin.

Respectfully submitted:
Kazim Hussain M.D.
Member Advisory Council APPNA 2017

Television News Coverage

WA State 1st National Health Care Day Report Greater Seattle area physicians, dentists, nurses and a dietician participated in our first NHCD on October 7,2017. The event was held in a local church and co-hosted by the Islamic Center of Federal Way, WA. Flu shots, blood pressure and blood sugar checks, dental and vision screening, diabetes, back care and nutrition counseling & education was provided by our team of 17 volunteers including physicians, paramedical personnel and community members. We had 24 patients visit the event. Press release was sent to media and event was advertised in local newspapers and social media. Refreshments were provided for all attendees. (Photos courtesy Dr. Tabassum Saeed)

APPNA DC chapter held the NHCD Fair day tonight. Very successfully and well attended by the community at large. We had the county executive address the crowd and appreciated the efforts by local APPNA CHAPTER. Tahir Sheikh our fearless president needs all the credit. Central APPNA, Dr. Ehtesham Haq and Ms. Jennifer Wozniak-Watson, APPNA Director of Operations, needs special recognition.

Thanks every one.

Sohail Qarni, MD
D.C. Chapter

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